Hyu meo ni seu teu
Ma Tae-ho (MY WIFE IS A GANGSTER's Ahn Jae-mo; click
here for a still) is the layabout son of an affluent retired general (ATTACK
THE GAS STATION!'s Park Young-kyu), a staunch Catholic who actually pays Tae-ho
to attend church with him every Sunday. His only "friends" (who
are more like paid hangers-on and have been since they met as children) are
Euglena (ATTACK THE GAS STATION!'s Kang Seong-jin), a sadistic nutcase who
lost his testicles when a ravenous wolf attacked him as a child, and Amoeba
(THE FOUL KING's Park Sang-myeon), a brain-damaged manchild. While driving
under the influence, Tae-ho accidentally kills a traffic cop who was trying
to arrest him. Instead of hauling Tae-ho in, the dead man's partner decides
to blackmail him for $300 million won (US$244,000). Tae-ho is unable to get
the cash out of his father and concocts a plan to kidnap him, with the help
of Euglena and Amoeba. Things immediately go awry, resulting in an additional
hostage, a mutilated body, and murderous betrayals in the making.
This South Korean black comedy revels in the kind of excess that has become
a regular feature of Takashi Miike's work but, ultimately, never approaches
the same heights of deranged inventiveness. Co-writer/director Lee Moo-young
(who also appears in the movie as a reporter) occasionally finds the right
note but the parade of bad taste (a foul-smelling beggar with a rotting, maggot-filled
leg, Amoeba drinking "Shit Water" to cure himself after a beating,
characters graphically puking, a nun with a hick accent everyone makes fun
of, etc) evokes few genuine laughs and the jabs at Korean society are either
too obscure for a Western viewer or too obvious for the satire to really work.
Cover art courtesy Bear.
SRE/Bear (No Catalog #) (South
Korea label)
Dolby Digital 5.1 & 2.0
Sync Sound Korean Language
Optional English Subtitles
24 Chapters Illustrated in the Menu With Stills
Letterboxed (1.70:1)
Coded for ALL Regions
NTSC Format
100 Minutes
Contains brutal violence, brief nudity, mild sexual
content, coarse language, and crude content

DVD menu courtesy
Bear. |
South Korea: 18
The dual layer disc looks sharp and colorful and the
stereo mix is strong, with excellent separations. Some mild distortion is
evident in spots but is not a major distraction. Plenty of untranslated extras
here: a trailer and two TV spots, cast and crew profiles, a music video, the
17 minute electronic press kit (which is just a few scenes from the movie
strung together), and a 9 minute "Making Of..." featurette (consisting
entirely of behind-the-scenes video footage). There are also trailers for
KANZO SENSEI (aka DR. AKAGI), PONETTE, THREE WISHES (actually just an American
HUMANIST is available
at Poker Industries.
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E-mail: mail@dighkmovies.com