I reviewed the disappointing American DVD
release of this Thai hit in issue #130. Thankfully, those with all-region
capability have an excellent alternative in this British PAL disc, which offers
definite improvement in almost every area (for my evaluation of the film itself,
click HERE).

Pawalit Mongkolpisit

Premsinee Ratanasopha |

Patharawarin Timkul |

Pisek Intrakanchit |
Above images courtesy Metro
Above images have ZOOM links. Click on picture for
larger image.
Cover art courtesy Metro Tartan.
Metro Tartan #TVD
3378 (UK Label)
Dolby Digital 2.0
Sync Sound Thai Language
16 Chapters (Only Titles are Featured in the Menu)
Optional English Subtitles
Enhanced for 16:9 Displays
Letterboxed (1.85:1)
Coded for ALL Regions
PAL Format
102 Minutes (at 25 frames-per-second)
Contains brutal violence, mild sexual violence, and
mild sexuality

DVD menu courtesy
Metro Tartan. |
Great Britain: 18
Netherlands: 16
Singapore (Theatrical): RA
Singapore: (Video): PG [Cut Version]
Sweden: 15
United States: R (Strong Violence and Sexuality)
In contrast to the soft, smeary American disc, Tartan's
transfer restores the movie's intended appearance and offers removable subtitles.
Hues and contrasts are now sharply delineated and the 1.85:1 framing is far
more comfortable. The print is very clean, though a small hair can be seen
at the right edge of the screen from 31:30 to 34:03. Luckily, it will only
be apparent to those whose TVs have absolutely no overscan. The audio is also
only 2.0 here but still delivers a satisfying amount of power and dimensionality.
First Look offered only the U.S. trailer as an extra but Tartan has delivered
more, though not enough for the disc to qualify as a special edition. As neither
the directors nor the principal players have amassed very many credits thus
far, the filmographies section is very short, and the promotional gallery
only consists of three pages. Mark Wyatt offers a succinct four page appraisal
of the film's strengths, and a trailer is also included, along with a section
offering spots for AUDITION, BATTLE ROYALE, FREEZER (the UK title for FREEZE
ME), NOWHERE TO HIDE, and DEAD OR ALIVE. The considerate back cover write-up
includes a warning that there is a sequence featuring strobe lights.
available at Poker Industries.
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