Dai goh Sing
Mandarin: Da ge Cheng
English: Big Brother Sing or Big
Brother Cheng
At the conclusion of THE TEAHOUSE (Issue
#144a), Wang Cheng (Chen Kuan-tai) left the city and now hopes to find
peace in the New Territories. However, the teahouse staff begs him to return
and help them deal with various hardships that have arisen in his absence.
Cheng pledges to protect his employees from every breed of criminal, and is
soon putting the screws to swindlers, thieves, rapists, drug dealers, and
hoods running illegal casinos. In spite of these vigilante tactics, Cheng's
relationship with the law improves when he saves a local police captain's
life. However, once Cheng is elevated to the level of a folk hero, the authorities
can no longer ignore his fragrant law breaking. Other obstacles include the
18K gang, now under the leadership of a young and far from honorable usurper,
and some revenge-minded thugs that Cheng reluctantly let go previously.
BIG BROTHER CHENG offers another look at the social injustices endured by
HK's poor and tackles the subject with even less reserve than its predecessor.
Director Kuei Chi-hung delivers more of the same but with less style, and
the episodic, highly predictable plotting does not make for especially gripping
viewing. The film does bounce back for a genuinely exciting finale but the
entire production is undermined by a narrative twist that was almost certainly
dictated by the censors as a way of justifying the wholesale glorification
of vigilante justice. Like THE TEAHOUSE, this was a substantial success (according
to the back cover blurb, it was Shaw Brothers' top grossing action film of
1975) but, nowadays, BIG BROTHER CHENG is just a mildly interesting curio
for SB completists. Most of the principals from the original return [including
Wong Yue (image), Karen Yeh Leng-chi, and Ha Ping]
and, if you keep an eye on the background, you can see familiar faces like
Bruce Le (during a funeral sequence) and Lee Hoi-sang (as a positively hirsute
Cover art courtesy Intercontinental.
#611643 {Hong Kong label]
Dolby Digital 2.0
Cantonese Language Track (post-synced)
Optional Subtitles in English, Traditional Chinese,
Malaysian, and Indonesian
12 Chapters Illustrated in the Menu With (Tiny) Clips
Letterboxed (2.35:1)
Coded for Region 3 Only
NTSC Format
107 Minutes
Contains moderate violence, torture, nudity, and brief
sexual violence

DVD menu courtesy Intercontinental. |
Hong Kong: III
Ontario: R
Singapore: PG [Passed With Cuts]
The image is a little soft, though that appears to be
at least partially inherent in the cinematography, which seems more rushed
and haphazard than the previous entry. Colors are still robust and there is
little wear to speak of (a few stains and a handful of splices), so complaints
are minor even if the disc is slightly below Celestial's stellar restoration
record thus far. The audio fares the same: the limitations of the period are
there but never seriously distracting. The English subtitle translation is
mediocre, though conversations are always coherent. Extras consist of a still
gallery, trailers (not the originals, just video spots), and short bios/abbreviated
filmographies. Like THE TEAHOUSE, BIG BROTHER CHENG has been slapped with
the Category III rating due to (as mentioned in Chinese on the cover) "sensitive
material depicting triad activity that is not suitable for children."
Meanwhile, this same board allowed the ultra-sleazy Shaw horror thriller THE
KILLER SNAKES to slither away with only a IIB!
available at Poker Industries.
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