If you have seen any of Cirio H. Santiago's
Filipino actioners, you will have noticed that he tries to make up for a lack
of budget and large scale action setpieces by offering virtual non-stop shooting,
explosions, and general mayhem. This Indonesian picture is cut from the same
cloth: mono moniker director Arizal cannot let five minutes go by without
expending 100 rounds of ammunition, blowing up every abandoned vehicle in
Jakarta, or toasting some poor stuntman with a flamethrower. Mix in achingly
ridiculous dialogue and incredibly unnatural emoting and you have got a sublime
bad movie experience.
Professor Provost invents a "Narcotics
Detector" (a device apparently so top secret and ingeniously conceived,
the producers couldn't afford to actually build one for us to see!) that will
wreak havoc with drug smuggling operations in Indonesia. In response, Greg
Rainmaker (Craig Gavin), a ruthless crime boss every bit as intimidating as
his name, kidnaps and tortures the old man. Enter American supercop Peter
Goldson (Peter O'Brian), aka The Stabilizer, whose fiancee was raped and stomped
to death by Rainmaker (a scene that sounds revolting in description but is
far too ludicrously staged to be offensive). Although he dresses like a Greenwich
Village aerobics instructor, Goldson is one
tough hombre and clearly the man to rain on Greg's parade (stumbling across
a piece of paper marked "Location Map," he deduces "This might
lead to something!" and is immediately on the trail). Teaming up with
a local officer and two female assistants, Stabilizer puts the hit on Rainmaker's
men (who include Indonesia's answer to Mr. T) but reserves a special fate
for their leader.
O'Brian (who looks like a weird genetic hybrid
of Sylvester Stallone and Peter Frampton) is a remarkably dorky and unappealing
hero, coming to life only when tossing stuntmen around on some incredibly
cheap sets. The violence is not particularly brutal here but there is an insanely
high amount and some of it is downright surreal (one poor sot gets sliced
and diced by an out-of-control Weed Wacker!). Coupled with unbelievably flat
yet goofy dubbing, endlessly quotable dialogue, and not one but two
instances of live lizard munching (yikes), this is the perfect feature for
those who enjoy staging their own version of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000.
THE STABILIZER does have its share of dull spots but constantly bounces back
with amazing sights (like the already legendary "motorcycle head-butt")
and sounds ("You'll soon meet God. Tell him I'm doing fine here.")
to keep you falling out of your seat. And remember: "Dying isn't much
of a living."
Cover art courtesy Troma.
Troma Team #9064 (U.S. label)
Dolby Digital 2.0
Dubbed in English
6 Chapters Listed in the Menu -- Not Illustrated
Fullscreen (cropped from 1.66:1)
Coded for ALL Regions
NTSC Format
94 Minutes
Contains wall-to-wall violence, brief nudity, mild
sexual violence, and cruelty to animals

DVD menu courtesy
Troma. |
In one of his patently lame intros,
Troma head honcho Lloyd Kaufman claims that the film has been digitally remastered
but the mildly cropped transfer looks to have been created about a decade
before there even was such a thing. Save for the last reel (see below), it's
perfectly watchable, however, and probably faithful to the original cinematography.
There is a brief gap at 100:41 and, during the final ten minutes, there are
several spots where the image goes completely wonky, the result of someone
trying to restore a badly screwed-up master tape. There is also an entire
minute of nothing on the end of the movie, evidently to give the stunned viewer
a chance to compose himself. The sound mix was apparently performed inside
a sealed jar but the audio is functional and you weren't expecting DTS now
were you? Extras consist of an incomplete and horribly pixilated trailer,
and plugs for Kaufman's latest book "Make Your Own Damn Movie" and
the company website. The "Credits" section lists the disc as containing
the completely unrelated American production SAVAGE ABDUCTION but that sort
of sloppiness is in-keeping with Troma and the unsung geniuses who created
this marvellously ridiculous movie.
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