Before she achieved mainstream
fame, the lovely Shu Qi appeared in some 1996 video pictorials and
several releases of this material have turned up in HK, Taiwan, and
South Korea (and maybe also Japan) with different packaging and titles.
On top of this, the discs rarely carry English handles, making it
all the more difficult to tell one from another. I decided to sample
one DVD from HK and one from Taiwan for this issue but that does not
even qualify as scratching the surface. Also out there are such titles
as TOP SEX MODEL (Jumbo Plain; apparently now out-of-print), SHU QI:
WHISPER OF THE WAVE (Visual Arts), SHU QI: BARE NAKED (City Connection),
(AVE), and two discs called VIRGIN SERIES PHOTO ALBUM (022 & 023)
released by Winner's Workshop and coded for Region 3 only. From South
Korea, we have SEX SEDUCTION OF SHU QI (Dae Kyeong Digital Video Disc)
and SHU QI: ORIGINAL NUDE GALLERY (distributor unknown), while Ritek/Thunder
Media of Taiwan contributes SHU QI PHOTO ALBUM. The prospect of hours
and hours of Shu Qi wearing nothing but the wind and her come hither
look is certainly appealing but I have neither the time nor (more
importantly) the money to look at all of these things. There is almost
certainly repeated material here and, if anyone can provide information
that will help clear up what is what and which discs should be avoided,
please write in. Consider it your Category III civic duty.

Stills from SHU QI: PRIVATE. Additional
images: 1, 2,
3 (nudity).
As it turns out, I already had SHU
QI: PRIVATE, which Mei Ah released on VCD a few years back (that disc
also has no English title but the catalogue number is VCD 440). However,
a comparison of it and Jei Wea's Taiwanese DVD reveals that the VCD
is a different edit running 10 minutes shorter. Thus, the DVD will
still be of interest to some, even though it does not look or sound
much better.
Ever hear that one of your favorite
stars will be posing in Playboy only to find the resulting pictorial
a complete disappointment, thanks to the photographer's obliteration
of any and all eroticism in his quest to present art? PRIVATE
is not that annoying but between the constantly roving camera, attention
deficit editing, and visual debris layered on in the name of style,
one can hardly fix on an image in some segments before it has vanished
into the fuzzy video ether. The various vignettes find Shu Qi posing
clothed, semi-clothed, or unclothed in settings like a living room
and a bathroom with a large make-up mirror, while doing things like
cuddling with a headless mannequin (read into that what you will).
Musical accompaniment ranges from cheesy synth to '30s Big Band to
overly narcotic MOR but, as ambience goes, PRIVATE still beats Video

Stills from SHU QI: TRUE WOMAN. Additional
images: 1, 2,
3 (nudity).
Much more satisfying, SHU QI: TRUE
WOMAN features the same restless look and cutting but scales back
the music video artifice a bit in favor of sunny beach sequences and
other attractive, well-lit exteriors. The songs (a mix of French and
English) accompanying each segment are agreeable and, after PRIVATE,
it is a pleasure to be able to view Shu's angelic face and devilish
body free of "artistic enhancement." As with PRIVATE, there
are glimpses of full frontal nudity but neither program is as explicit
as Shu's print pictorials.