Jack Hill's COFFY (1973)
made Pam Grier a star and had a major influence on exploitation pictures
of the time but who would have guessed that said influence would extend
all the way to Hong Kong? This Sun Chung effort stars Chen Ping as
Gao Wanfei, whose little sister, Wanjing, turns up unconscious after
being injected with heroin at a party. Wanjing has suffered brain
damage and Wanfei watches helplessly as the girl goes through hell
during her withdrawal period. Although she receives sympathy from
officer Deng Weipin (Yueh Hua), an old school chum known in his department
as "Drug Smasher," Wanfei launches her own vigilante campaign
targeting anyone connected with the drug world. Posing as a junkie
interested in trading her body for a fix, Wanfei gains access to a
drug laboratory operation and slaughters the men inside. Narcotics
kingpin Wu (Wang Hsia, wildly over the top) decides to put Deng out
of action by getting him in trouble with his superiors. When that
fails to get him taken off of the streets, the cop is subjected to
a severe beating. Wanfei witnesses the incident but is oblivious to
the fact that her politician boyfriend (Antonio Ho Wing-on/Sze Wei)
has deep ties with the syndicate and that his anti-drug crusade is
just a charade for the public.

Sun's film sports superior action
choreography (particularly the early sequence where Deng is ambushed),
along with additional nudity and sex, and better production values
(including some wonderfully garish bars and apartments). However,
Chen lacks Pam Grier's screen dominating charisma, leaving the picture
a bit empty at its core. That said, this remains solid, well-produced
exploitation fare with some impressive locations that Jack Hill would
no doubt have loved to have at his disposal. The supporting cast includes
Chan Shen and Tin Ching (as an outrageously fey subordinate of Wu).
The transfer is up to the usual Celestial
standards and, thankfully, avoids the blurriness plaguing some of
the earlier discs. The 5.1 mix is coherent but hollow, overextended,
and unnatural sounding. The standard Celestial extras are included:
video promo spots, bios/filmographies, and two photo galleries.

DVD is available at: |
Images in this review courtesy
of Intercontinental Video Ltd. To read captions, hover mouse over image.

here for more information about The Hong Kong Filmography
© John Charles 2000 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
E-mail: mail@dighkmovies.com

DVD Specifications
Hong Kong Release
NTSC -- Region 3 Only
Intercontinental Video
Ltd. #101328
Dolby Digital 5.1
Post-synced Mandarin Language
Subtitles (Optional):
English, Traditional Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian
12 Chapters
16:9 Enhanced (2.35:1)
87 Minutes (at 25 frames-per-second)
Ratings & Consumer Information
- Hong Kong: IIB
- Ontario: R
- Quebec: 18+
- Singapore: PG (cut)
- Contains brutal violence, nudity, mild
sexual violence, and drug use
- 10 A Masterpiece
- 9 Excellent
- 8 Highly Recommended
- 7 Very Good
- 6 Recommended
- 5 Marginal Recommendation
- 4 Not Recommended
- 3 Poor
- 2 Definitely Not Recommended
- 1 Dreadful