A group of disillusioned
Japanese high school students all but rule the dilapidated, graffiti
strewn building and pay their teachers little heed. The boys
acknowledged leader is Kujo (GOHATTOs Ryuhei Matsuda), who made
claim to the position by performing eight "claps" (participants
hang from a rail on the school roof and see how many times they can
clap their hands without falling to a near certain death). Kujo is
ambivalent about his new position, however, and respect for his authority
gradually lapses. He also alienates weak-willed subordinate Aoki (Hirofumi
Arai), who undergoes a radical transformation into a brutal thug and
schemes to usurp Kujos command. While he is every bit as vicious,
Aoki has no understanding of leadership or of the increasingly philosophical

Loosely adapted from a manga by Taiyo
Matsumoto, BLUE SPRING aims for profundity and never lets one forget
that for a second. Director Toshiaki Toyoda (PORNO STAR) has crafted
a bleak allegory about disaffected youth whose future has seemingly
been pre-determined by Japans economic downturn. Unfortunately,
apart from the fact that most of these kids are obviously never going
to amount to anything, there is no particular reason to care about
them or their fate. Posturing is substituted for character development
and heavy-handed symbolism is offered in place of a compelling storyline.
While it is admirable for a film to attempt something akin to the
cultural commentary of BATTLE ROYALE on a much more intimate scale,
BLUE SPRING just ends up being obvious and downright wearisome, and
an abundance of pointlessly outlandish moments do little to distract
one from the emptiness at its core. Sousuke Takaoka, Yusuke Oshiba,
Yuta Yamazaki, Mame Yamada (who contributes the most interesting performance
as a teacher whose diminutive size leads the students to treat him
with more respect than his fellow adults), and Kyoko Koizumi co-star,
and there is some impressive heavy metal accompaniment courtesy of
the popular band Thee Michelle Gun Elephant.
