The second-to-last film
in this DTV series is the most graphic and its statuesque star, the
spectacular Chieko Shiratori, a departure from her predecessors. It
is also the most unusual and interesting entry of the lot, following
the basic precepts but filling in the gaps with humor of the darkest
sort. This time out, the target is a syndicate specializing in organ
smuggling, headed by Kaneda (Masayoshi Nogami), an elderly man who
could easily be mistaken for a benevolent grandfather but is completely
out of his gourd. The withdrawn, taciturn Rei (Shiratori) is ordered
to guard Kanedas flaky mistress, Nana (Ichiho Matsuda), as she
may hold the key to his downfall. In between complaining about the
accommodations, Nana derives great pleasure from testing the stern
assassins patience. After a time, Reis boss decides that
the girls planned testimony lacks credibility, so Rei is ordered
to set her free, leaving Nana unprotected. The girl reveals that she
and her boyfriend, a Kaneda confidante, had planned to steal several
million yen from the boss but recent events have left both unsure
of how to proceed next.

Additional stills (nudity): 1,
2, 3
The ZERO WOMAN films are usually rigid
in their construction and the fact that this one is willing to play
a bit with the formula makes it the most worthwhile of the bunch.
Viewers expecting sex and gangland mayhem parceled out at the usual
intervals will not be pleased to learn that much of the movie consists
of Rei and Nana hiding out in the formers dingy apartment, biding
time and waiting for orders from Zero Division. Director Hidekazu
Takahara stages many scenes in a manner reminiscent of an absurdist
play, with long, oftentimes curious exchanges unfolding in static
medium and master shots. The thoughts shared steer well clear of profound
but do offer some humor and there is a modicum of character development,
as both women gradually become more comfortable together. This being
the kind of film it is, they end up in bed (one of the sexier moments
in the series), while Nanas ineffectual boyfriend acquiesces
to the increasingly unhinged desires of Kaneda (who is a bisexual/transvestite/cannibal,
prompting one character to observe "Hell eat anything
men or women"). Chieko Shiratori is befittingly stern but the
role does not require her to do anything approaching actual acting.
However, the well-endowed, 5' 6" nude model is captivating and
a departure from the predominant school girl-type of sex symbol that
Japanese men seem to favor.
