Sent to Yunnan Province
in Mainland China on business, meek Japanese salaryman Wada (GEMINIs
Masahiro Motoki) finds himself shadowed by a hot-headed yakuza named
Uijie (Miike regular Renji Ishibashi). The gangster claims that Wadas
company owes Uijies boss money and insists on accompanying the
young man into the mountains, where he has been instructed to confirm
the existence of a large source of unrefined jade. Joining them is
local guide Shen (Makoto Iwamatsu, very well known to Western audiences
as simply Mako), who navigates the pair through an array of increasingly
backwater locales, via some decidedly erratic modes of transportation.
Once at their destination, the visitors become infatuated with this
idyllic, untouched paradise and its natives, whose ancestors could
reputedly fly.

Artsmagics latest Takashi Miike
release is among the directors most unique and admirable undertakings,
in which he took his crew out into the magnificent wilds of rural
China to adapt a novel by Makoto Shiina (who never actually journeyed
to this area). The film starts off with a flurry of activity and then,
appropriately, the pace becomes more and more measured as the protagonists
venture further away from civilization and the stress of modern big
city life. A common facet of Miikes films is the transplanting
of his Japanese protagonists in other Asian countries and how their
perceptions of the world and themselves change as a result. BIRD PEOPLE
may be the directors ultimate experiment in this area, as his
salaryman and yakuza are completely adrift in a world so alien to
them, it might as well be the setting for a period fantasy (a feeling
enhanced by occasional doses of magic realism). Wada falls for a local
girl (Wang Li-li), with a surprising ancestry, but Uijie experiences
a near-complete transformation upon re-discovering his inner child.
When he feels this intoxicating serenity is being threatened, his
violent nature inexorably resurfaces, but Miike ends this exotic odyssey
on a poignant note that reminds one of the wonders lost to mankind
via the relentless encroachment of civilization. It is a charming,
often humorous and sincerely acted picture, and another entry in the
Miike filmography which shows that his versatility rivals his more
widely documented productivity.

While this is apparently the first
DVD edition of THE BIRD PEOPLE IN CHINA to be anamorphically enhanced,
the presentation is a bit disappointing, even when taking into account
the projects modest budget and technical challenges. The image
is rather soft and the mattes are sometimes lighter than the blacks
onscreen, which is quite distracting (though not a problem for those
with 16:9 displays). Colors are not as eye-popping as one would hope,
given the incredibly picturesque locales, and the layer change is very
poorly placed. The English subtitles are generally well-translated (permanent
Japanese subs appear during the Mandarin dialogue) and the audio is
workable, if a tad bland. Miike is interviewed in a 17 minute segment,
touching on the problems associated with filming in such an isolated
locale, and how he ended up undertaking this offbeat assignment. Tom
Mes is back with another informative commentary, providing background
on the leads, the directors various techniques and the movies
place in his filmography. Bios/filmographies, meticulously translated
promo materials, trailers for this film and Miikes BLACK
SOCIETY TRILOGY, and the lyrics and history of the Scottish folk
song "Annie Laurie"(which plays an important part in the narrative)
round out a typically loaded Artsmagic package. |
DVD is available at Amazon: |

Images in this review courtesy
of Artsmagic. To read captions, hover mouse over image.

here for more information about The Hong Kong Filmography
© John Charles 2000 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
E-mail: mail@dighkmovies.com

DVD Specifications
- U.S. Release
- NTSC – Region 0
- Artsmagic #ATU 013
- Dolby Digital 5.1
- Sync Sound Japanese Language
- Subtitles (Optional): English
- 12 Chapters
- 16:9 Enhanced (1.85:1)
- 118 Minutes
Ratings & Consumer Information
- Singapore: NC16
- Contains moderate violence and coarse language
- 10 A Masterpiece
- 9 Excellent
- 8 Highly Recommended
- 7 Very Good
- 6 Recommended
- 5 Marginal Recommendation
- 4 Not Recommended
- 3 Poor
- 2 Definitely Not Recommended
- 1 Dreadful