Remove the tacky CGI,
increase the ratio to 2.35:1, and degrade the film stock a bit, and
some might be hard pressed to distinguish this period kung fu meller
from its indie brethren produced 20 years ago. Afficionados, however,
will be disappointed by the fact that it is so utterly run-of-the-mill,
surprising considering the executive producer was none other than
Yuen Woo-ping. The storyline incorporates a number of the genres
most familiar threads, starting with the old chestnut about two impoverished
young friends split apart by the temptations of wealth. Mix in a rascally
drunken master (genre perennial Chin Kar-lok, now old enough to play
such a role), his kiddie kung fu contingent (led by Shi Xiao-long),
and a band of ninjas after a secret list, and you have a very familiar

The performers do display a few impressive
moves but the pace often lags, Douglas Kung Chung-taks direction
is undistinguished, and the TV-level production values detract (the
movie was shot in Mainland China but spends most of the running time
on a sparsely decorated back lot town set). Ken Wong Hap-hei plays
the requisite man of mystery and Lee San-san (COP
SHOP BABES) provides some overly contemporary sex appeal as the
local casino boss infatuated with him.