I reviewed Pathfinders
initial DVD release of this Jimmy Wang Yu favorite in issue
#191a; please consult that write-up for an evaluation of that
disc and the film itself.
In honor of the movies anniversary
(actually a bit pre-mature, as it will not be 30 years until 2006),
the company has issued a new double disc set featuring the 93 minute
Mandarin edition and 90 minute English dub on separate platters. Both
share the same anamorphic transfer, which is very much inferior to
the old 4:3 letterbox edition. The restored negative picked a great
deal of additional wear in the interim, thanks to First Films
use of it to create new 35mm prints. Ideally, the company should have
made a back-up negative beforehand, but they evidently wanted to do
it as cheaply as possible, so we are now back to square one with no
decent elements left for this movie. In order to try and mask the
extra damage, a great deal of digital video noise reduction has been
employed to clean the image up, resulting in a very soft, hazy picture.
There are also sequences where the colors are quite noticeably out-of-whack.
The climactic fight is also marred by numerous instances where frames
have been repeated to mask damage, badly effecting the fluidity of
the combatants movements. While the 4:3 transfer certainly displayed
problems, it was crisp and satisfying, considering the condition of
the elements. The 16:9 transfer, alas, looks more like a budget video
of only slightly higher quality than the junk regularly issued by
Xenon, Ground Zero, and Video Asia. The new release reveals slightly
more image on the left side of the screen, but it rarely makes any
noticeable difference, and the audio is also somewhat inferior to
the initial disc.

The first disc included a commentary
by critics Andy Klein and Wade Major and their discussion contained
some errors. In light of that, the pair have recorded a new talk,
included with the Mandarin version of the film, and are joined by
another critic named Alex Luu. Naturally, the major discussion points
are reiterated and Luu provides a welcome Asian perspective, talking
about seeing this and other films during his childhood in Vietnam.
Overall, the new recording offers some improvement, but there are
a number of dead spots and the lack of detail regarding the films
production and distribution history is unfortunate. The track would
definitely have benefitted from the additional participation of writer
and martial arts movie historian Linn Haynes, who did contribute some
detailed liner notes, bios and filmographies to the release. The International
export, American Seymour Borde, and 2002 re-issue trailers featured
on the last disc have been ported over, complimented with trailers
for several other Asian films offered by Pathfinder.

The major supplement here (created
for a Japanese DVD release) is a pair of subtitled interviews (totaling
28 minutes) with Jimmy Wang Yu, taped at the 2003 Tokyo International
Film Festival. In the former, Wang introduces a screening of the picture,
answering some basic questions. Somewhat more detailed responses are
heard in the second segment, as Wang discusses his character, the
origin of the flying guillotine, the main players, and his plans to
make another film in the series. The responses are usually not as
detailed as one might like, and stalwart fans will hear little they
dont already know, but this remains a welcome addition to the
To summarize the 2-disc set
does include more supplementary materials, but in light of the inferior
presentation of the feature, its desirability will depend solely on
how much the buyer is interested in these extras. Those just wanting
the superior copy of the movie should stick with the older disc (which
is still available), as this new edition has nothing to recommend
beyond its supplements and informative booklet.