The English title is
a real head-scratcher but this high-tech espionage thriller more than
makes up for in excitement what it lacks in credibility. Jackal (Takeshi
Kaneshiro), Cash (Jordan Chan Siu-chun), Sam (Charlie Yeung Choi-nei),
and Titan (Ken Wong Hap-hei), leading members of ATM (Available Tactical
Mercenaries), are blackmailed by the HK government to perform a high
tech raid of MI5 headquarters. Their objective: steal some virtually
flawless US currency printing plates, which the British agency has
taken from a criminal element in Iran, and apparently plan to make
use of themselves. Hooking up with deaf computer whiz Phoenix (Theresa
Lee Yee-hung), the team pulls off the job without a hitch. However,
the briefcase carrying the evidence the government (represented by
Alex Fong Chung-sun) is holding over their heads also houses a bomb
and one of the team is killed in the subsequent blast. The remaining
members must determine how they can retrieve the plates, in order
to clear their names. To reveal more would compromise some enjoyable
twists but, suffice to say, the climax unfolds in Budapest with an
exciting chase through some beautiful locales.

While it initially seemed like little
more than a Hong Kong variation on Brian DePalmas MISSION IMPOSSIBLE
(with a little James Bond thrown in for good measure), this Teddy
Chan Tak-sum film inaugurated a mini-trend of hi-tech action/adventures
designed to lure audiences away from Hollywood product. For added
box office appeal, the movies were cast primarily with up-and-coming
young stars, but the quality dipped with each successive picture,
culminating in the atrocious SKYLINE CRUISERS (the title of which
makes about as much sense as DOWNTOWN TORPEDOES, but no matter). Aside
from some shoddy digital FX work, Chans film is first-rate on
a technical level, with tight pacing and well-choreographed and edited
action that is never jumbled and confusing. The leads do a fine job,
though with the exception of Theresa Lee's super hacker, they could
have benefited from some more personality. Regardless, this is first
rate escapist entertainment that more than fulfils its goals.

DOWNTOWN TORPEDOES earned an unfortunate
footnote in HK film history when a crew member was killed by a piece
of shrapnel during an on-set explosion. The production company had
not received the proper clearance in advance to perform this particular
pyrotechnic effect and subsequent news reports revealed that this
type of safety violation was actually commonplace in the industry
and could result in far more accidents of this sort (fortunately,
there have apparently been no more since). Additionally, this turned
out to be the last film for noted art director Eddie Ma Poon-chiu
PHANTOM LOVER), who succumbed to cancer at a young age.