A few weeks back, Stephen Chiau Sing-chi
was in Los Angeles for the local premiere of KUNG FU HUSTLE and took
questions from various media outlets. A female Caucasian reporter
asked him who his favorite actress is and he replied, without hesitation,
Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia. The reporter had no idea who he was talking
about and, while Sing Jai probably had to politely deal with a lot
of inane questions that evening, he could not hide his incredulity
in this case. Some Chinese reporters nearby also chuckled audibly;
the woman may have considered their reactions needlessly rude, but
for Westerners familiar with Chinese cinema, it was entirely understandable.
No one who has seen Brigitte Lin grace the screen in everything from
Taiwanese weepies to wu xia fantasy epics to Chiaus mo
lei tau farce ROYAL TRAMP II could ever forget her. One of us
might have tried to help the reporter assuage her embarrassment by
saying that Lin is the Chinese cinema equivalent of a notable Hollywood
star, but even that might have proved fruitless because there simply
are no contemporary actresses who embody beauty and elegance the way
Lin Ching-hsia does. She simply has no equal and now, there is a literary
celebration of her life and films that no Brigitte fan can do without.

Akiko Tetsuyas long-awaited
collection of interviews with Lin is a remarkable achievement in several
ways. While she was an experienced journalist before undertaking her
book, Tetsuya became a fan around the time that the Taiwanese actress
married Esprit Asia Chairman and CEO Michael Ying Lee-yuen and left
the entertainment world to become a mother and tai tai. Consequently,
she was no longer interested in giving interviews, something that
was told to me by several industry people when I expressed a desire
talk to the woman whose name has come to symbolize the beauty of Chinese
women. I subsequently threw in the towel and moved on to other endeavors;
luckily for HK/Taiwan cinema afficionados, Tetsuya demonstrated that
determination can still pay off for those who have the faith and intestinal
fortitude to see their dreams through to fruition. The author not
only managed to meet with Lin on several occasions, she was also able
to interview close friends and associates to provide a far more detailed
picture of the retired idol than one would have thought possible.

In contrast to the usual actor profiles
penned by entertainment writers gifted with expense accounts, multi-page
bios and press junkets, Tetsuyas project was financed entirely
out-of-pocket and self-published. It is the work of a dyed-in-the-wool
super fan and that aspect of the book might be a little off-putting
to anyone hoping for a little sidebar muckraking. Some of the rumors
and scandals that popped up during the actress 20 year career
are addressed, but the answers are tactful and, to her credit, the
author does not resort to sensationalism typical of the HK press
coverage of local stars. Tetsuya thinks her subject is a remarkable
human being and is not shy about saying so; even Lin seems a bit embarrassed
by her flattery at times. That said, interviewer and subject bond
here at a level not normally seen in this sort of undertaking, and
Lins comfort is palpable in her responses. The interviews (approximately
20 hours worth) were conducted in English (the only language the two
share) and are presented in an informal manner that gives the reader
a very palpable "you are there" perspective. In addition
to Lin and some of her close friends, the author covered just about
every other possible base by also speaking with Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing,
Chiung Yao (the celebrated writer whose romantic novels were the basis
for some of Lins earliest roles in Taiwan), Peggy Chiao, Yang
Chia-yun, Elaine Jin Yen-lung, Shi Nan-sun, Yon Fan, William Cheung
Suk-ping, Stan Lai, Ronny Yu Yan-tai, Christopher Doyle, Law Kar,
Ann Hui On-wah, Yim Ho, Wong Jing (the sole participant to contribute
nothing at all of worth), Shu Kei, and Tsui Hark (the man largely
responsible for Lins career resurgence in 1992).

Scattered throughout the text are
B&W pictures (Lin in various movies and the interview participants),
along with a 16 page color section featuring contemporary photos of
the actress and lobbycard reproductions from important projects like
her film debut, OUTSIDE THE WINDOW (1973). Tetsuya also delivers something
never before seen in English: the definitive Lin filmography (exactly
100 movies, not counting her ROYAL TRAMP I cameo and narration duties
on two Yon Fan pictures). A thorough index is included and, while
the text is in English, Chinese characters are provided for all persons
and film titles mentioned.

There are occasional typos and the
book could have used a little additional editing to present its interview
subjects in the best light (for example, rather than have Tetsuya
correct Tsui Harks chronological mistakes, as she did in person
during their talk, why not offer him that courtesy in print?). These,
however, are easily overlooked in what will almost certainly be the
most intimate, detailed, and engrossing book we are likely to see
about this extraordinary actress. THE LAST STAR OF THE EAST is a wonderful,
compulsively readable companion piece to the actress large volume
of film work and a real triumph for its author.
