Toei) |
DVD Movie/Passion Productions
- PCM Audio
- 5 Chapters
- Paper Sleeve
- 87 Minutes |
3/10 (Poor) |
Karate Kiba |
Aquarius Releasing could not resist
making some silly changes for their U.S. version of this Sonny Chiba
vehicle, which hit stateside theatres in 1976. After an entirely superfluous
New York-shot prologue (which allowed Aquarius to play up the presence
of martial arts champs Aaron Banks and Bill Louie on the poster),
we segue into what remains of the original storyline. Chiba (supposedly
playing himself!) launches a one-man war on Yakuza drug dealers (called "Yellow Mafia" in the idiotic dubbing), but the female informant
he is protecting has her own less upstanding agenda. The plot is ponderous
and muddled, and the action only intermittent, making this one for
Chiba diehards only. Incidentally, if the opening narration sounds
familiar, it should: Quentin Tarantino later included it as part of
Samuel L. Jacksons dialogue in PULP FICTION! The U.S. changes
were overseen by Simon Nuchtern (the sole credited director here)
and Joseph Ellison, who would later collaborate on the infamous slasher
sickie, DONT GO IN THE HOUSE (1980). The Judy Lee credited here
is not Chia Ling, who is sometimes given that name in the English
versions of her movies. In fact, Chias most famous film in America,
QUEEN BOXER, was also distributed by Aquarius in 1974, revealing some
more skullduggery on their part.
Sonny Chibas films were just
not designed to be crowded into the little 1.33:1 frame and there
is hardly a shot here that does not look horrendously cramped. Resolution
is weak, colors are pasty and gatefloat is evident, along with pronounced
smearing and some background instability. Not surprisingly, the transfer
looks to have been derived from the 1981 Media Home Entertainment
videocassette release and my 24 year-old pre-record of that version
actually looks better. Verdict: For a dollar? Maybe, but not a cent
more than that. One would actually be better off waiting for a domestic
widescreen release of the original version.

(1978) |
Passion Productions
- PCM Audio
- 5 Chapters
- Paper Sleeve
- 91 Minutes |
5/10 (Marginal Recommendation) |
English Title: Storming
Attacks |
The only image of Bruce Lee youll
find in this kung fu quickie is the stock one on the cover. Bruce
Li/Ho Chung-tao, the best of the Bogus Bruces, is assigned to foil
a counterfeit operation (run by Han Ying-chieh) that specializes in
crafting high quality imitations of American notes. In the opening
scene, Li is called in to prevent a distraught businessman from leaping
to his death. However, instead of simply taking the elevator, Li (decked
out in the requisite yellow tracksuit) climbs up the front of the
building via rope, a move that gives him no strategic advantage whatsoever!
That is just the beginning of this entertaining "fight-fight-fight" flick, where kung fu battles breakout every few minutes on the slightest
pretext (with Bolo Yeung and John Cheung Ng-lung being the most frequent
opponents for the star). The choreography is not bad at all and the
movie is further blessed with some utterly gratuitous nudity from
pretty co-star Danna.
cassette release from Media Home Entertainment and that is likely
where this master originated. The version presented is 21st Centurys
U.S. edition and, typically for this company, the title is the only
credit to be found. Contrasts are overly harsh, leading to blown-out
whites, and the image is both squeezed and cropped. However, the real
problem is the incredible amount of smearing accompanying any and
all movement. Verdict: Grab it...if you can stand the digital equivalent
of watching this at the drive-in during a downpour.

Toei) |
Dollar DVD/Brentwood
- Dolby Digital 2.0
- 8 Chapters
- Cardboard Sleeve With Pocket
- 88 Minutes |
5/10 (Marginal Recommendation) |
satsujin ken |
Simon Nuchtern was also involved
with the Americanization of this Sonny Chiba effort, but, thankfully,
there is no new footage and the director (Kazuhiko Yamaguchi) is
properly credited. In this update of Akira Kurosawas YOJIMBO,
Chiba plays a loner who shifts between two warring Yakuza gangs,
both of which are trying to reclaim a large stash of hidden heroin.
There is not much more in terms of story, but plentiful fights and
ample exploitation elements keep things perking along. The heavy-handed
sentimentality found in several Chiba pictures from this era is
also present, alas, and detracts from the second half. The dubbing
(supervised by Peter Fernandez) is tolerable.
Dollar DVD is a division
of Brentwood and their discs are exact replications of the Brentwood
editions. The picture is extremely poor: dark, fuzzy, blurry, and
(of course) horribly cropped. Artifacting is common and tape damage
is occasionally visible. Dialogue is a bit too low in the mix and
sounds clipped in spots. A scrolling Sonny Chiba bio/filmography
is included, but offers nothing that you couldnt find on the
IMDb. Brentwoods menu copyright notice appears briefly onscreen
at 1:21:26. Verdict: Recommended, but solely on the merits of the
movie, not this dreadful DVD.

(1979) |
Saturn Productions
- PCM Audio
- 5 Chapters
- Paper Sleeve
- 79 Minutes |
2 /10 (Definitely Not Recommended) |
Location work in Hollywood gives
this HK cheapie a little novelty value. Yuen Tak and Jeffrey Chan
play young fighters constantly getting into mischief, much to the
consternation of the formers father, a respected master and
practitioner of traditional medicine. Yuens brother steals
a map belonging to some gangsters and winds up dead. The hoods suspect
that the master is somehow involved and take him hostage. Yuen must
also foil a ruthless Caucasian karate master who intentionally injures
his sparring partners. Some of the fighting and stunts are executed
with a reasonable amount of panache, but there is a numbingly high
amount of brutally unfunny comedy involving Yuens clandestine
trip to a brothel, the bumbling villains (whose appearances are
scored with the theme from A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS), etc. Said Caucasian
actors are also atrocious, even by genre standards.
If you have seen Saturns
1980s cassette version, then you are already familiar with the presentation
here: greatly worn print, light hues, weak contrasts, very poor
resolution, and harsh audio. The image is also quite squeezed, but
would probably decompress nicely on a 16:9 display. Menu functions
are extremely sluggish and, to top it off, theres two minutes
of absolutely nothing on the end of the disc. Verdict: Very bad
movie on an equally wretched DVD. You can do better, even for a

Great Earth Film Co.) |
Passion Productions
- PCM Audio
- 5 Chapters
- Paper Sleeve
- 71 Minutes |
4 /10 (Not Recommended) |
Nui ging chat
Mandarin: Nu jing cha
English: Female Police |
Of all the early Jackie Chan films
exhumed to cash in on his latter day American fame, this is the
most deceptively titled and advertised (it was previously released
as POLICE WOMAN and YOUNG TIGER, and versions with those titles
are reportedly still floating around). The synopsis states that
Chan "attempts to recover a stolen purse containing damaging
evidence against a major crime family." True enough, though
they conveniently neglect to mention that he is a part of said gang
and out to batter the films true star, Charlie Chin Hsiang-lin
(playing a taxi driver unknowingly in possession of said evidence)!
Sporting Bruce Lee sunglasses and a giant mole on his face resembling
a plastic cockroach, Chan only appears intermittently and the martial
arts sequences are as elementary as the storyline and Hdeng Tsus
direction. The low point comes when Chin disparages dirty books
and movies for corrupting HK youth, introducing a moral high ground
far beyond the reach of this grungy little potboiler. Lee Man-tai,
Phoenix Kim, John Cheung Ng-lung, Hu Chin, and Helena Law Lan also appear.
Night sequences are predictably
dark and the image is very low-rez throughout. The cropping of
the scope frame is haphazardly handled and the audio isnt
much better. Someone took a Chinese language tape and grafted
on the English dub, causing a major change in ambiance whenever
someone speaks. The films running time is usually reported
as being 83 minutes and its obvious that material is missing
here from the opening reel. The VHS tape this was pulled from
is badly damaged along the bottom of the screen for the last half
hour of the running time. Verdict: A single viewing for the Jackie
Chan completist and then its a coaster.

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